Monday, May 16, 2011

A Few Degrees of Seperation...

 Revelation 3:16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot or cold, I will spit you from my mouth.

 I got revelation of what this meant one day while I was working. The funny thing is that sometimes people need a "physical example" to help them understand a statement or a verse in the Bible. I recently learned the degrees of seperation that brings either enjoyment or a bad taste in the mouth. It's pretty amazing how a few degrees can change the way something tastes.

 At the Baristo Bar, we serve our drinks a different temperatures. For a hot cup of black coffee, we brew the water to 210 degrees. The lattes are made at 154 degrees. But if you want a cold drink, we serve iced coffee or tea at 34 degrees. It amazing to see the degree difference and how some people like their drinks. But then again, there are people who like their drinks at certain temperatures. I am going somewhere with this, just hang with me. 

 Did you notice that there are degrees that cause a taste difference? Let me show you! You have coffee that can be served ice cold, lukewarm or melting hot. The temperature that it's at determines whether or not you will like the drink. The same goes for Revelation 3:16 and how Christ himself said it is better to be hot or cold instead of lukewarm. So why is it bad to be lukewarm? Look at it like this. When milk is steamed, it is cooked at 154 degrees for lattes. The "lukewarm" degree is between 100-105 degrees. This is the point where milk will start to sour. It's too cold to use, but not hot enough to fully make a drink. If you drink it at times, it will make you sick to your stomach, that will cause you to possibly "vomit" for awhile.

 "Are you catching the point?"

 Look at it like this! You are a cup of coffee, and Jesus is the customer that is drinking you. When he gets His drink, it might not be hot enough or cold enough. So that means, it's kind of lukewarm. He takes a drink of it, swallows it and then all of the sudden, he spits it out because the milk is bad. Then it starts to make him sick at his stomach. Then Jesus goes into a "vomit rage." The undecisiveness, or the lukewarm-ness of our life, is literally making Christ "sick to His stomach."  I am not saying that it is okay to be one way or another, but I am sure that He wants you to be hot. So the question remains?

 "So how do you get to that point, and if so, how do you change it?"

 Well the truth is that there are a few ways that you can check yourself on your level of "hot or cold." Obviously staying in the Word is one way of stoking the fire within you. That will always help you maintain that fire . "Purpose brings desire that will burn your fire." There are also a couple of other ways that you can keep yourself in check. One of the biggest ways that I have found is actually answering the call that God on my life. By simply being obedient, stepping out in faith and doing the Will of the Father will re-direct that lukewarmness in your life. This is a good way to measure our walk, our faith level and our desire to chase God during these times. You may not get it right everytime, but the effort and stepping out will cause you to be more "open to the things of God."

 Being lukewarm is a state of condition that your heart is in towards Christ. Look at it from the this perspective. Lukewarm is the same as being gray, not black and white. I am not saying it's okay to be gray in some areas when it comes to parts of the Bible. There are alot of things that we may not get to understand on this side of heaven, but we can't let that unknowing be the center of our undecisiveness towards Christ. God not only wants a relationship with us, but He wants to believe, live and recieve all that Christ himself lived and died for. But also wants us to make a decision. He wants our heart to FULLY believe in Him, not just halfway. If you believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, then your halfway there. But take a step further and believe that you can do so much more in Christ.

 1 John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is GREATER than the one who is in the world.

 Jesus himself doesn't wish to "vomit" anyone from his mouth. But He knows that there are people that have not fully made the decision to follow him. Simply believing what He did for you at the Cross is the best decision that you will ever make in this life. But take it a step further, and actually take part of what of what He has called you to do. When you start ministering to people, encouraging them and helping them grow in the things of God, that is when your fire will burn so hot, that the world will see that God himself has empowered you in all that He has provided for you.

 Believing is a good thing. Participating is even better. Believing and not participating is halfway.

 Revelation 3:16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot or cold, I will spit you from my mouth.

 So ask yourself this question?

 "Do I make Jesus sick to His stomach, or does he enjoy what I do everytime He drinks of what He has given to me?"


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Illusion of Happiness...

  Harry Houdini was and still is today considered to be one of the greatest illusionists that ever lived. He performed tricks and feats that sent your mind to another place. To actually think that someone could dissappear in thin air, is mind boggling. To escape from a watery grave while chained at the hands and feets, was thought to be impossible. He was a "grand illusionists."

 Many Christians are trying to pull of the same illusion...

 I find myself at odds on some occasion where I show how God is doing great things in my life and that I love Him with all my heart. But that can be an illusion at times. Like many people today, the appearance that you see at work or at church, may not be the same that you see at home. Everything in a person's life can be totally destroyed, whether it's spiritual or physical. But when you see them on the outside, they look as if they lead the "perfect life." A great family, good kids and  the appearance that they love God. But the truth is that many people today, believers and non-believers are fighting for their lives today. The families are being attacked by the enemy on a daily basis. Even if a single person seems to be happy, he can be secretly battling behind closed doors.

 That is the "illusion" that we have to put on so that people don't see us a being "un-spiritual." That is the greatest form of deception that we use everyday. That, is the weapon of the enemy. To use deception is a way of fooling others, instead of asking for help or seeking some sort of counsel, is decieving yourself. Jesus said that we would go through "trials and tribulations in this world." But He gave us a way these to defeat these deceptions that the enemy has used against us over the years. But unless we use them, we are only fooling ourselves and living in the "illusion."  I will give you an example.

 For years, I battled with addictions. No one ever knew that I was secretly struggling with such addictions. But on the outside, I was happy, healthy, had a great job, great friends and family. But when I got home, that battles and the stronghold would take over. Whether I was dealing with an alternative lifestyle, drugs or pornography. No one ever saw that! That is where the illusion was used. I was busted on some ocassions, but for the most part, I had alot of people fooled. Now with all of that being said, how was I able to overcome all of these things?

 The truth is, I battle everyday to overcome these strongholds. I have been able to talk to friends and family to help me overcome these things, but the truth is that I would not have been able to overcome these things without the help of the Holy Spirit, that Christ sent me after He died for my battles. There are times that I might give into the flesh and let him win the battle, but I have not lost the sight of the victory that Christ gave me to overcome such things through the Cross. I don't want to give off the perception that I live the perfect life if I am not. If people see me struggling with some strongholds, they would question whether or not if I really had a relationship with God. That is the illusion at it's best. That I have been so decieved to the point that now, my strongholds have come to surface, therefore having an impact on my job, friends and family and even my faith. It would get me to the point that I would even question whether or not I am truly delievered from these things. Now, I have the revelation in my head that God has delivered me from such things, but it hasn't dropped in my heart yet. This kind of revelation can only come from God himself. Only He can reveal that to you through the help of the Holy Spirit and His Word. If you wanna decieve someone, then decieve the enemy and show him how your are able to no longer live in the illusion. That God Almighty himself has provided a way for you to deal with such things. Jesus overcame the world so that you and I both could overcome all of these things. He left us great tools and helpers behind that would only deliever us from the illusions.

 Some of these tools come in many forms and designs, but they are all of God. First and foremost, seek God in all things. Not one person can give you the answer that you need to overcome such things in this life. The Word of God is health and healing to your soul. Prayer. It's your only way to talk to God and listen to the things that He has to say. Another tool is the Holy Spirit. He will lead and guide you in the things of God. If you become dull and quench the Holy Spirit, you won't be able to hear what He is saying to you. But, you can become so sensitive to the Holy Spirit, that you will hear everything that He is saying and you won't miss a thing. Another tool is Godly counsel. Talk to the pastor or a fellow church member that you have a bond with, that will tell you the truth in love, encourage you and minister to you when needed. If you have a strong church family, you should be able to reach out to them and talk to them about some things that are bothering you.

 Illusion is a form of deception. Deception is the enemy's greatest weapon. If you are living in the illusion that everything is okay in your life and not trying to deal with the enemy's attack, then you are allowing the deception to overtake you and your life, family and friends. Seek out the love and the life that God has intended for you to have.

 Proclaim the love and the victory of Jesus Christ over your life today. Seek after God like there is no tomorrow!!!


Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Hypocritical Christian by the Name of Jeremy...

 It's not often that you will hear someone say this, but in regards to myself, I can say it only because I find myself at ends with such a complex thought.

 Hear I sit and try to encourage people in the things of God, chase after Him like there is no tomorrow, get into your prayer closet and do the things that God has called us to do. But unfortunately, I don't follow through on these things myself. I claim and say that I am a man of God, who loves nothing more than to witness to the body of Christ and to the lost. But in some respect, I don't always talk or act like a man of God. I still have issues with cussing, acting un-Godly, speaking of worldly things and dealing with fleshly issues. I give into the temptations on most ocassions and tell people that I have overcome them. I don't walk the talk that I preach. Therefore, I am a hypocrite.

 Some people have their own ideas of what a hypocrite is. But simply in what I believe, it means to simply walk in the opposite direction of God's Word or the path that He has laid for me. Some people say that it's acting one way on the outside, but secretly do another behind closed doors. Now, this may sound like that I am beating myself up. But honestly, I don't think that this is farther from the truth when it comes to most Christians.

 "What? Jeremy, you have just passed judgement amongst an entire faith!"

 Honestly, Christians happen to be the biggest hypocrites in the world today. Christianity has become more of an idea versus a lifestyle. If you are a good person that simply loves Jesus, confesses him as your Lord and Savior, and not fulfilling the call that He has placed on your life and chose to live your own, in some idea, that is hypocritical. It is a direct contrast of what God has called you to do with your life.

 My Pastor made a statement the other night that I was thinking about. When the Rapture occures, not every Christian that has confessed Jesus is Lord, will be taken. Jesus said it is better to be "hot or cold than to be lukewarm." In my eyes and thinking, He is saying, "you people had a chance to believe and you didn't. You who said that you believed, you were the hypocrites who confessed me before men, but did not walk as I had called you." That almost makes me cry for myself. Only because I have not really done what I have been called to do. He said that we will be "mocked" as an individual if we are the ones left behind. Here I was claiming to be a man of God, and I didn't do everything that I said that I was doing. That, in my eyes, is a hypocrite.  

  I have lied, cheated, murdered and lusted after the things of the world. Now, this may sound like that I am beating myself up, but I want people to know at the same time that the best example for people to look at as far as being a man of God was the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

 Jesus was the example of a Christian. "Well He was the Son of God, Jeremy!" Yes, he was, but He was so much more than that. Jesus pointed and called out the hypocrites back in the day. But when He did it, He did it with love and encouragement. He rebuked, corrected and encouraged them to change their ways and how they lived. Now we have the love, grace and mercy of the Heavenly Father, but we can't use those things as a crutch to get us through this life until Jesus returns. Repentance is a way of beating those old issues out of ourselves and not condemning others for the way they live when we are doing the same thing. Repentance is simply having a change of heart. Do I want to continue living the "hypocritical life" or the "God kind of life" that He has promised me.

 I am a liar, a thief, a murderer. I am an adulterer and a child of the Most High God. The fact that God himself said that there will be none of those things in the Kingdom of Heaven brings great concern to myself and my walk with God. I strive only to overcome the things of this world by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of my Testimony. Now with all of this being said, this doesn't change the fact that I love God and that I am constantly walking like this. This for me simply encourages me and hopefully others in recognizing some of the wrongs in our lives. And this may even sound judgemental, but I hope that some people see this simply for what it is. That living in such a way is only going to bring harm and destruction to yourself, your family and friends and ultimately, your relationship with God. There is a verse that always comes to mind when I think about the my "hypocrisy."

 Numbers 32:23... But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD, and be sure your sin will find you out.

 This was a command given by Moses to his people so that they might reach the inherited Promiseland. But if they don't follow the way and the command that they were given, then they would only bring harm upon themselves. They would not reach their inheritance. That is the same thing today. Not following the commandments that God has placed in and on your heart and saying that you will, that makes us hypocritical.

 I'm not trying to sit here and start beating people up for their lives. I can only speak for mine. But I can continue to strive. Ask God to change my heart. Ask God, through the Holy Spirit, to show me how I can change these things through His Word. People cannot see Jesus Christ in me if I am not doing it at home. Most of all, it only hinders what God can do inside of me.

 My name is Jeremy. I am a child of the Most High God. I am deeply loved and highly favored. I am blessed and annointed from our Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I am Blood washed and Spirit-Filled.

 This is who God says that I am...

 This is not who I am if I am not accepting those things that He says about me...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Encouraging Men of God...

We are come from different walks of life. We are hunters, pilots, cowboys, truck drivers, movie producers, construction workers and a lonely baristo.

 These are the type of men that you would see and come to know in the church that I attend every Sunday and Wednesday. In the outer appearance, you would only see them as simply, "common men." But there is something special inside of these men. They hold a secret within that unites them. A thread that binds them. A love that surpasses all understanding. These men unite together in good times and in the dark times. They are tried and tested almost everyday. Sometimes they win, sometimes they fail. But they never faulter in their "faith."

 Men over the dawn of time have been described and taught to be the "bread-winners" and "head of the house." There is alot to bare as a "man of God" when you are the head of a family. But, I am sure at times, they get overwhelmed. They lose their patience with the wife, kids and the bills. But I would like to think that in those times, that even if someone is suffering outside of their own family, they would step in and encourage the ones that are hurting. A couple of the men that I go to church with have been great encouragements to me in the past. Some have really encouraged me in the things of God. Most men today wouldn't take the time to even talk to you and help you learn how to deal with the temptations. As men today, we are constantly tempted by the things of the world. Whether it's toys, women or money, we are constantly thrown into the ugliness of temptation. But it's up to us whether or not we rely on God or ourselves to deal with such thoughts. Being a single man myself, I cannot even think of the temptations that married men face today. I can only assume that it is worse than the single men. But, I have been blessed and encouraged by some of the men in church. I have one friend that I have become very close to. We enjoy the same things pretty much, but he is married with a beautiful family. He is in a business that he is constantly surrounded by temptation or the ugliness of sin. But he always encourages me by how he deals with those things, even if he fails, he learns from it and goes forward. But he also stands of what God has placed in his heart. Another friend, looking at him is a big ol' country boy that is married with a beautiful family that is a mechanic on semi-trucks. But when he speaks of God, the discipline that has been embedded in him, I can't help but think, "how is it that a guy like this is a man of God? How can he teach me anything?" But the truth is that Chad and Josh both have taught me alot in my walk.

 Now the older generation has taught me quite a few things as well. I have talked to the older men on a few occasions on how to deal with sexual temptation and what they did to overcome it. They have encouraged me on how to deal with those things, feed on the Word of God, get into my prayer closet, take on the accountability of your actions and ask for help when you need it. It's okay to talk to the older generation. We should always feel free to receive the advice or counsel when we need it. These are great times of fellowship.

 But here recently, I have been encouraged by the way some of the men in our church have been allowing God to get on them, and for them to soak in His Presence. As a singer on the Praise and Worship team, there are times that I see people that are drawing in on the Presence of God. I saw one in particular one night when another man of God was just basking in His Presence. Chad was simply standing there and soaking in the love and joy of God. If you look at Chad, he's a construction worker with a beautiful family as well. Chad is tall, couple of tattoos and very quiet most of the time. But when he got into the Presence of God that night, he was like a child that was being embraced by His Father. He just took Him in.

 Throughout the Old and New Testament, the definition of man has never changed. The responsibilities have not changed. The calling of God that has been put on the lives of men have not changed. The only thing that has changed within men, is the men. Nothing else. Men of God should encourage one another in all things. But we should just stop there. We should encourage those that are lost in the things of God. Alot of us are around other people that need witnessing to or encouragement. The Disciples of Jesus prayed for "boldness" when they went out and ministering to the people. As men of God, we should be encouraged and chase after such an example.

 So how do we encourage one another?

 My thought is this. Our lives for one should be an example. The greatest form of encouragement is the life that we live according to God. Men today are so burdened by the things of life today, that you can see it when they come to church. Some choose to feed on it and some let it go. Those are the men that you need to encourage in the things of God. Telling them to release those burdens and cast off those cares. Show them how to deal with things they way God would want you to deal with them. But first and foremost, Seek God on the care. Get into your prayer closet. He is our "safe refuge, strong tower, my hiding place." Encourage them to praise God not only in the good times, but in the bad times. The enemy wants nothing more than the men of God to fall away from Him for the mere fact that it will not only destroy them, but their family as well. Most men today would kill a person if someone harmed their family in away. The same should go when it comes to dealing with the devil. He is out to destroy everything that God has blessed your life, your family and friends with.

 Men of God, it is time to rise up and defend the Gospel. Proclaim and encourage the things of God to one another and to the lost. He is our God to share with the world, with each other and our family. This is not the time to be greedy and keep Him to ourselves. It is time to "spread the love."  This is the time to seek and devour the goodness of God. Have the "God-like Boldness" today that the Disciples had back in the day. I have one last thing to say on this.

 Men, our lives, families and friends are being attacked by an invisible enemy. He is there to destroy everything that God has blessed us with. Defend your faith, your family and your God with every ounce of your being. Satan isn't going to stop attacking us. We should never stop defending what God has given and promised us.

1 John 4:4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

 We have the power and ability to overcome these attacks.

 But are you willing to use it?

 That is the question...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Tattoo of Revelation...

 I have to admit that there are many things in my life that I find to be addicting. Movies, food and so much more. But there is one that I have always loved getting from the time that I got my first one.


 I don't know why they are so addictive, but from the time that I got my first one, I was hooked. It cracks me up because my little sister got one before I did. I was jealous!!! But when I was stationed in California, I knew that it would be just a matter of time before I got one. My very first tattoo was Marvin the Martian with a Pearl Jam lyric around it. It has a meaning to me personally, like everyone of my other tattoos. But then I got one tattoo that has caused my some pain and joy in the same breath. It's on my right forearm with a Cross with the verse "Isaiah 53:5" inscribed across it.

But he was pierced for our transgressions,

he was crushed for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was on him,

and by his wounds we are healed.

 When I got this tattoo, I just really got the revelation about healing that Christ had provided for me at the Cross. I wanted a reminder of what He did for me on that Glorious Day. Some would see that as a "weird way to remember", but it was very special and important today. I had a friend go with me so that he could see what it was like. I looked at it, and it was exactly what I wanted. So after awhile, people would start asking me what it was, what it meant and what did it mean to me. That tattoo would lead to some great and horrible conversations. Mostly, it was great moments of sowing a seed into someone that may not know about the Cross of Christ. Now, tattoos are not "biblical" in the eyes of God. Our body is a temple that Houses the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit." We should treat our bodies in such a way that is honoring to our Father. Obviously, I have not. But that doesn't mean God is mad at me. I just have a really colorful temple. But this tattoo has caused me to fight for what I believe in as well.

 When I started working at the Baristo Bar, they had a policy that no tattoos were to be displayed due to being offensive. I understood the rule and did my best to follow it. But there were times that I didn't and it caused some trouble for me when it came to the point of me getting fired over it. Now, in my mind, a tattoo is the last thing that I would fire a person over. But this amongst other things, was just the icing on the cake. I cried, moaned and complained to get my job back and after a week and a half, I was back working. Since then, I have followed the rules to the top. But when people see that my arm is covered, they always ask what it is. That is where the good and bad conversations. Some people believe it and receive it. Some do not. But over time, things just died down.

 That was until a couple of months ago...

 I was informed that the company had produced some T-shirts that endorsed a specific group of people, whose lifestyle I have fought long and hard to get away from. When I lived the "alternative lifestyle", it was everything that consumed and became an important part of me. But when I got born-again, I fought and died to that old-self. It still haunts me at times, but I fight to stay away from that lifestyle. I don't hate gay people for what they are doing. I hate what kind of person that it had made me at the time. I can never go back to that ever again. So when the company started producing the shirts, I got angry. I mean here is a company that hires people for their "diversity" and yet they put restrictions of that diversity in the name of being "offenseful." Now the same company is telling me that I have to support a "group of diverse people", and make a way to be supportive. Really?

 Here's a question. If there was a reformed alcoholic that had been clean and sober for a couple of years, would you take him to a brewery and then ask him to help you serve it to others?

 I became very angered to the fact that the company wanted me to hide my faith and support another. Then it became clear to me. This is "fighting the good fight of faith." Never have I fought so hard to stand up for what I believe to be right and true. Never have I had to take so many beating by co-workers, customers and more simply because of what I believe. Jesus said "if they hate you, it's because they hated me first." Most people don't want to talk about their faith. It's very personal and powerful to most. To me, it's very personal! And at times, it can get ugly! We are faced with the same things that the Disciples faced early into their ministry. Persecution, ridicule and death. I pray that it doesn't come to that, but the truth is that most people are willing to die for what they believed in. Jesus did. Why wouldn't I do the same thing that He did for me?

 The Truth is Worth dying for if you are willing to make it real not only to the people, but to yourself. Until you have that revelation of how powerful the Word of God is,  you will always question if it is real. And when it comes to that point, then you won't have any problem standing up for what is true. You will start operating your life, your business and your family and friends on a different level that can only bring you joy and peace. I battle alot of times of the Word. There are alot of things that I hate about it because it points out my faults. But that is revelation or correction that I need to know about. My Pastor always says something that I don't agree with. But He preaches from the Bible. The Bible is never wrong. NEVER!!! We just say that it is!!!

 Revelation is a great way to become free from strongholds, bondage, sickness and alot more. When people ask of my tattoo, I reveal to them the power and meaning behind the verse. They may not get it at the time, but the chew on it for awhile. Whether the swallow it or not is up to them.  When I first got saved, the biggest revelation I got was that Pontius Pilot didn't want to crucify Jesus. But, he bowed under pressure from religious leaders and the higher government. Had Pontious not crucified Christ, he himself would have been fired or killed. He didn't stand up for what was true and right. Today, many people are like that. We talk about Christ, but alot of us really don't defend Him. Why are you willing to lay your life down for someone, but not a person that gave you life.

 I have no regrets in getting any of my tattoos. All of them hold a story that is very close and personal to my heart. But when you get a revelation of who you are in Christ, how loved and special you really are, then that opens up your heart to receive so much more of the things of God. It's like when someone tells you a secert.

 The look on your face is pure shock of either joy or sadness. You rejoice or cry.

 With God, there is only love and peace when He whispers that into your heart.......

 Get Revelation...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Imaginary Friend?

  "Jeremy has an imaginary friend called God."

 This is the statement that I hear on a consistent basis from one of my co-workers. She is the kind of person that doesn't know how to talk quietly, louder than the music playing in the coffee shop and then some. She is your typical loud-mouthed California liberal. I love her to death, but like many of us, there are things that some people say that can rub us the wrong way. Her and I are no different.

 She is under the belief that God is an imaginary person that people need to have to believe in something. That if you are a good person and live a good and moral life, then that should be good enough. Organized religion is a way of getting your money. As long as you don't kill anybody, your doing okay.

 I am under the belief that there is a God who has a Son that loved you so much, that He layed down His life for all of man. That I have a relationship and not being religious. That I honor God with my tithes and offerings. That I know there is no such thing as a good person and that hating someone is the same as killing.

 These are the differences that I have with her and that we always but heads. But when I think about her at times, it pains me to see that someone has rejected or so decieved to the point to think that they are a good enough person that they need nothing other than the family and friends to get them through this life. But then again, this is what is going on in the world today. She has a "perception" where I have "faith." Those two words have been enemies for over thousands of years. The "perception" belief has what kept people at ends of reaching their potential with God. "Faith" has given me the hope and the promise that can only be fulfilled by God. So why do people believe that God doesn't exist?

 For some, it's simple. For other's, not so much.

 Those who believe that God exists, believe that He exists for only one reason, to love us. For those who don't believe, they have to see it to believe it. Believers know that He is there just by believing. Non-believers need to touch God and see Him to know that He is real. They need proof. The Disciple Thomas was shown what a "true believer" really when Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to His Disciples. In the Book of John, Jesus told Thomas, "Blessed are those who believe, because they have not seen." Thomas himself said "I will not believe until I have put my finger in His side. Only will I believe then." I mean, here is one of Jesus's disciples who was with him, taught and preached to and yet he still didn't believe that Jesus was alive and kicking. Thomas need something to touch in order to believe. Like much of society today, that is why people don't believe. Not because of the lifestyle or what the pastor on TV says. They need to touch God in order to believe.

 When Jesus said "blessed are those who believe because they have not seen" He was teaching them the "core of faith." Simply believing is the heart and soul and Jesus, the Father and The Holy Spirit. Believe what the Blood of Christ did for you. Believe that the Heavenly Father loves you so much and that the Holy Spirit lives in you so that you are enpowered by Him.

 Simply Believe...

 Now this is hard for some people to grab onto but the truth is that simply believing in something that you can't physically touch is one of the easiest things to do. Walking by faith in something is a little harder. I believe the Mona Lisa exists, but I haven't touched it. Walking by faith in something that can't be seen, some find that more difficult. People these days are tossed by the cares and worries of daily life. That is what makes people disbelieve in God. Not because the can't see Him, but they see others that do believe go through "tribulations." And they think to themselves, "what kind of God allows that to happen to a good person like Bob?" The truth is though when God himself said that the trials and tribulations of life were overcome when Jesus went to the Cross, He simply stated that He can helps us even more today because of what Jesus did. If we only believe and rely upon Him to get through those times.

 But there is a God that loves you, wants to help you through this life, bless you with His Promises and so much more. But He also wants something in return. It's called honor. When giving thanks and honoring Him for what he has done for us, "He gave His only begotten Son" that you can't help but want to give praise and honor. But many people have a tough time giving thanks to something that they can't see. Most people believe that Jesus existed and did some really cool magic tricks. Or they believe that He just died for our sins. They believe!

 Going back to Thomas though, he became the identity of most people today. "I have to see to believe, I have to see." Only after Thomas saw Jesus, did he repent and get the revelation that God exists on a much bigger scale, that just because we can't touch him doesn't mean He's not there. But God also lives in us and through our lives and if people can't see that, then we are only helping them disbelieve what is true. God lives in us, Jesus lives in us, the Holy Spirit lives in us. We have to show people that they do exist through our faith, our lives and so much more.

 God is not imaginary people. He is alive and well. But if I believe in something that is good and wholesome, full of love, riches and glory, where is the harm in that?

 My last imaginary friend dissappeared years ago, but my new one lives, loves and reigns forever...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Drunken Past, My Drunken Spirit...

  It's cold and refreshing. It's soothes the back of your throat. It gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling over the course of 5 or 6 of them.

 What is it you ask? Simple...


 Many of days and nights I spent drinking my life through-out my military career and and long after that. I would hang out in the bars or a friends and drink an ice cold Corona until the lights in my eyes would fade and the sunset was about to come. I would end up either butt-naked or worse. I admit there were some really good times when I was drunk, but I can also admit that there were some really bad times. Some that were so bad, that even writting this gets me a little emotional. Most of us have been there though. One night-stands, talking to the Porcelain King and late night fights. I remember my first drunk was at my sister's 16th birthday and my mother had gotten her a keg of Coors Light for her present. Mom was not your typical mother!(Love you mom). We played quarters until I puked all over the place. I ended up walking around the house in my underwear. That was the very first time that I got drunk. I also remember the last time that I got drunk as well. August 21st, 2007 was the night that I proceeded to drink Corona, Bud Ice and Hot Damn!!! Needless to say, I puked my brains until there was none left and the hangover that I had was by far the worst I have ever had.

 But when I woke up the next day, I knew that in my Spirit, I was done drinking. I was tired of the hangovers, trying to get people saved off the "drunken witnessing"(and yes, I did witness to people while I was drunk), puking to no end, tearing up people's house and being butt-naked when I woke up each morning. I even remember attending church drunk at one point and time. It was time for all of this to come to an end...

 The day that I woke up, my friends were already drinking and I didn't even want to think about having another beer. I was so sick, that I wanted to throw up just looking at them. But I also knew that I was done drinking. I just knew it and felt it in my Spirit. My Pastor for years had always talked about getting drunk and it how "strong brew was a brawler." A friend of mine Brandy reminded me of that not to long ago. Drinking and partying was about to be over with me in the blink of an eye. When I was sitting on the porch that day, I just kept thinking to myself, "I am so tired of this." Waking up and feeling like crap almost every weekend. And in that moment, I made the decision,

 "I quit!"

 I can honestly say that my road to stop drinking has been a really easy road. I just so tired of it, my flesh and Spirit said "no problem."  Proverbs 20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.

 Now for the longest time I really never argued that issue, but then I came across another verse that just blew my mind. In Acts 2, it talks about the disciples being filled with a "new wine." They were seen as being drunk by other people. But they were actaully "drunk in the Spirit" or otherwise known as being "Baptised in the Holy Spirit." They were talking in "different tongues" and acting like crazy people. The last time I talked in different tongues, it was Heineken's fault. Now being "drunk in the Spirit" is so much better than being "drunk in the world."  Now most of society thinks that being "drunk in the Spirit" is barking like dogs, running around the room screaming or a weird laugh. But here is the truth...
 Being drunk in the Spirit is like being on the ultimate drug. Bad term for such a good feeling. The first time I got drunk in the Spirit was in church during a mid-week service. God had been dealing me on some issues and when I felt His arms around me, I just went limp to the ground. I just layed there and thinking of only God. He was sitting there right beside me and just put His hand on my heart. I can't think of any other way to describe it. From that point on, I was able to experience more of God's Presence on my life. I was sitting at Mug's one day and me and a friend were watching a video that was making fun of people being "drunk in the Spirit." But when we watched it, we knew what it was and it started to get on us. I had boldness, got excited and couldn't stop thinking of God. Let me explain what I mean.

 Being "drunk in the Spirit" is being so immersed in the Presence of God, that you lose sight of time, surroundings, people and so much more. Everything that is happening in the world you are oblivious too. I feel a sense of warmth at times, but then there are times when I feel like laughing my head off. There are moments of great silence and some of great worship. Being drunk is a worldly term that can only describe odd behavior, but to me it's just like acting goofy. I can't really explain the feeling. The twelve disciples were made fun of by others because the appeared to be "drunk." The people who didn't know had a misconception because they saw things in the natural. That is the way people see and think about the "charismatic movement." We simply see this as being nothing but "so sensitive to the Holy Spirit" that we lose ourselves, our flesh. We become like God wants us to become.

 Now this is not to condemn people of drinking . I have slipped on many occassions and have had a couple of beers. Now, does God hate me because I fell off the wagon, absolutely not!!! I just know in my heart and Spirit that my drunk days are long over. Drinking is not the end of me, but could be the beginning of something that I have tried to stear away from. Each person has to come to this own revelation on their own. But this is going to sound bad. I don't believe in what Alcoholics Anonymous says. "Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic." I refuse to accept that.

 God says that I am a new creation, "behold all things have passed and I have become new creation." I will not let the world tell me who I am or who I used to be. I have overcome because Jesus overcame it first. Don't let the enemy also beat you up for it as well. He will use everything in his power to make you fall. Keep reminding yourself who you are. "In our weakness, He is strong." Our strength to overcome doesn't come from ourselves, but that we call and answer God's Promise on our lives. If you are having difficulty overcoming this and need help, first pray and seek God on all of this. Then go to someone that you can talk to and get help with. But talk to God, look at the Scriptures, start proclaiming that you are free of this stronghold.

 A glass of wine or a cold beer is not the end of the world, but over time it could be the end of you. Being filled or "drunk" with the Presence of God is the end of you as well. Choose which glass you want to drink from.....